Tips to Set Boundaries with Your Clients


Having boundaries with your clients doesn’t have to be something you only dream of. Working with several clients can get overwhelming sometimes - and we get it! It can be hard to focus when you are constantly getting requests for updates, edits, and out-of-scope work as a freelancer. 

But by putting a few systems in place and clearly outlining the best way to communicate with you, both you and your clients can have peace of mind during every project! Check out our tips to set boundaries with your clients as a freelancer. 

Let them know in your contract when and how they can reach you. 

Set office hours for when you are available and ensure your client understands these parameters. This is especially helpful when you and your client have different time zones. If this is the case, decide what times mutually work best for you in the beginning so that you know when it is best for both of you to connect.

Take it a step further by letting them know exactly how they can (or can’t!) reach you during those times. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries by not accepting text messages or streamlining communication into one area. Additionally, give them an idea of how quickly you will get back to their messages. Responding within 24-48 hours depending on the nature of the message is a good rule of thumb to keep your client satisfied and your workload balanced. 

Understand their expectations and create a clear scope of work. 

Stay clear from out-of-scope work by outlining the expectations in your contract. Explain how out-of-scope work will be handled and invoiced so your client understands what they could be charged extra for. 

Next time your client asks for something to be done that is not clearly outlined in your contract, let them know why you’ll be invoicing extra for this assignment and give an estimate on hours or cost. 

Explain your processes and workflows so they know how you operate.

Start by making sure your standard operating procedures (SOP) has a consistent method for delivering services or products to your client. Avoid getting asked for updates by giving clear timelines on your deliverables and sticking to those deadlines. Letting your clients know how things will be delivered to them and when can help put their minds at ease on the days you are hard at work on their project. 

This can also motivate you to streamline and perfect your workflows to create an easier workday for yourself. If you’re looking to improve communication or process with your clients, now might be the best time to invest in a project management tool or upgrade your systems. 

Leave each call knowing when you will touch base again.

Every time you leave your call with a client, there should be a clear idea on when you will connect with them again. Leaving the interaction with this in place gives your client peace of mind that the work is being completed even though they aren’t hearing from you in the interim. 

If you are consistently meeting with your clients, set up recurring calls to save extra time by not checking your schedule every time you need to meet. Working smarter, not harder, is sometimes the best way to keep up with your client’s needs. 

Next time your client steps over your clearly set boundaries, have a game plan for how you will address this. Over time, our clients grow to understand how the business operates and what to expect when working with us.  What do you think is the best way to set boundaries with clients right from the beginning?

Anna Daugherty