Finding Confidence as a Freelancer

Finding confidence as a freelancer can be extremely difficult, especially when first starting out, but we know you always have it inside of you. When we need a little help being our most confident self, we love these methods for reminding us why we started and why we have what it takes to keep going. 

Find a good community

Connecting with communities filled with other freelancers is a great way to find confidence as a freelancer. These groups can provide inspiration and motivation on your journey as you learn more about the members and their stories. 

The Freelancing Females community features a free Facebook Group and paid Membership Area. Additionally, a Freelancing Females Directory Membership gives you access to an exclusive Slack channel where you can connect directly with other directory members. 

Try joining a few different groups to build your community. Consider some larger groups where you can connect with many people and some smaller ones that are closer to your niche. 

Learn from your mistakes

Let your mistakes be learning lessons as a freelancer, especially during the first couple of years of your journey. Remember that most of the entrepreneurs you follow and admire have made similar mistakes, yet they still found the power to keep working towards their goals. 

You can find also confidence as a freelancer just by your willingness to risk making a mistake. Know that you will make many mistakes while freelancing, but how you deal with them will determine how successful you will be. Every time you make a mistake, take the time to walk yourself through the experience with a series of questions. 

  • Why did you make this decision? 

  • If you could do it again, what would you change? 

  • How can you set yourself up for success to avoid this experience from repeating?

Keep learning and growing

Stay current with trends and topics in your industry and niche by continuing to learn as a freelancer. Consider taking classes at your local community college, utilizing online learning platforms like Coursera, or finding webinars that match something you’re interested in learning more about. 

Our journey as a freelancer is never complete and we must continue to evolve along the way. Gaining new skills to help with each phase as a freelancer is a great way to grow your confidence while freelancing.  

Monitor your progress and celebrate your wins

Keep up with how well you are doing by tracking your movement as a freelancer. Think about what numbers you can track that matter to your success - maybe website views, Instagram followers, or number of clients. 

Track your numbers visually somewhere you can easily see your progress. Seeing those progressions, no matter how small, are a great way to boost confidence as a freelancer and help you see how taking action works. Celebrate your wins and be your biggest cheerleader to keep the motivation up. 

Find your strengths and unique qualities and lean into these to find your confidence as a freelancer. There’s never been a better space to BE YOURSELF and create a community that loves you and what you do. 


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