Collective Power
Since creating our global rate database in 2019, we’ve collected over 9,000 submissions, allowing our community to expand their freelancing capabilities by comparing their rates with those of their peers.

Everything else has changed for Freelancers, why haven’t we changed our rates?
In the past 4 years, the landscape of freelancing has changed dramatically, so we’re updating our rate database to match. We’re wiping the slate clean and starting over to compile an entirely new rate database you can trust as a resource.
Freelancer pay should reflect changes such as the great resignation, a move to remote working and inflation, but it's challenging to raise your rates without hard data to back you up.
Other changes include expanding our data to include all genders so those of any identity can accurately compare their rates and partnering with like minded organizations to amplify our reach. This is more inclusive to non-female identifying colleagues, and will strengthen our effort to close the 28% gap between male and female pay.
Want to share the cause?
Download these social media posts & stories to ask your friends to upload their rates!

Our one-of-a-kind rate database