New Season, New Schedule. Make the Most Out of Summer. ☀️

One thing we know about being freelancers is that we usually don’t get paid if we take time off. (what’s PTO?) BUT, there are ways to learn how to get better at managing your time and set the summer schedule (or go on that vacation) that you deserve.

Set Your Priorities

Whether you’ve already got a good schedule going or you’re brand new to the game, setting your priorities can apply to your entire freelance career. Doing this will help you keep your vision clear and most importantly, allow you to manage your schedule in order to take time off. Technically, you can only have one priority, but let’s say your top three… If whatever “it” is doesn’t fall into your priorities, it’s time to learn the power of “no.”

Know Your Finances

Freelancers have a challenging time earning income if they’re not actively working, but there are some things you can do to find a balance. Especially when you’re growing a new business, it’s hard to say no to every job that comes your way, but saying “no” has a lot of benefits. Planning is your friend here. Do your best to save for when your workload is a little lighter. It’s a simple practice to set aside some money 3-6 months before you plan to change your schedule. Maybe you’ll take on more work in the months leading up to summer or land a big job that will cover the time you need. It’s important to know how much money you’ll need to cover your expenses.

Tell Your Clients

We’re nothing without our wonderful clients! We may not have to request time off with a boss these days, but we do still have to communicate our new schedule. The earlier you do this, the better. As much as we rely on our clients for our livelihood, they rely on us for our work. This may give you that financial push you need in order to set your new schedule anyway, so win-win. Communication is vital to any business, yet it’s greatly appreciated so your clients are not likely to be upset with these changes. Solidifying your schedule will also help you get in the mindset of not taking on any last-minute projects that may expand your schedule.

Change Your Outreach Strategy

In the coming months, focus on earning income and earning your time off rather than focusing on new business. If you get any new business prospects, communicate your summer availability with them in order to set expectations from the start. Also, remember not to jump into “just one more task” for a current client because you want to make a little more money. Set your goals ahead of time and stick to them.

Plan, Plan, Plan

Setting a new schedule can be hard, but it’s worth it, I swear! You may have more emails to answer when you hop online, but when they’re new client inquiries things can get exciting! Add your upcoming office hours in your email signature and send a friendly reminder to those you work with (clients, fellow freelancers, etc.). You can also set an auto-reply so if anyone send a new message they know when to expect a reply.

You Got This

We don’t call it FREElancing for nothing. You chose this lifestyle because it allows freedom and flexibility that a typical 9-5 may not. But on the flipside, it will take your entrepreneurial spirit to get in the right mindset, financially prepare yourself, manage your clients, and ready your business. You got this!


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